Anthropology 204:Core Seminar in Linguistic Anthropology
Fall 2003
Time: Wednesday 11AM-1:50PM| Place: Haines 310
Instructor: Prof. Alessandro Duranti
Office: Haines 349 | Office hours: TBA
Office phone: 310.825.5833 | E-mail:
[Updated Oct. 22, 2003; NB (for students in the course): check this every week for possible additions and changes; readings are calibrated to the pace of the class]
This course
is an introduction to contemporary linguistic anthropology as an autonomous
discipline, with its own research agenda and methods, which include the
study of language as a cultural resource and speaking as a cultural practice.
The leading theme throughout the course will be the notion of "unit
of analysis," through which we will explore different theories and
methods for the study of language as a powerful semiotic resource for individual
social actors and communities. Students will be exposed to grammatical
analysis, text-based units of discourse (e.g. genre), action units (e.g.
speech act, activity), and interactional units (e.g. turn, speech event,
participation & participant framework).
[There are other topics and approaches
that are central to contemporary linguistic anthropology – e.g. language
socialization, language ideology, conversation analysis, functional linguistics,
language typology – and yet they might be
entirely left out or minimally discussed in this seminar due to time limitations
and the fact that they are the subject of other courses and seminars offered
at UCLA by faculty in anthropology and other departments].
Each meeting (after the first) will be divided in three parts: (i) a collective
discussion of the assignment; (ii) a collective reading/discussion of material
prepared by the instructor; and (iii) a lecture which will anticipate the
themes of the forthcoming readings.
will be expected to contribute to class discussion through (i) weekly
assignments based on questions provided by the instructor, (ii) in-class
discussion; (iii) in-class interpretation of texts. In addition, each
student will be required to write a review article of two of the books listed
in (C) below (2000 words).
Students will be encouraged to use their own
linguistic and ethnographic material for their assignments when appropriate,
i.e. if such material can be properly integrated with the leading questions of the course.
Students will be expected to have done the readings for each week before
coming to class.
Assignments due via e-mail by Monday at 1pm (to
A. Required Texts:
- A. Duranti (1997) Linguistic Anthropology. Cambridge University Press.(LA)
- A. Duranti (2001) Linguistic Anthropology: A Reader. Blackwell. (Reader)
- N. Rapport and J. Overing (2000) Social and Cultural Anthropology: The Key Concepts. Routledge. (SC Anthro)
- Additional readings provided throughout the course and marked as "Packet" (they will be left in the Anthropology Reading Room,
Haines 352). (Some of the additional readings are not specified because they will be chosen on the basis of what was covered
in class and the students’ pace in assimilating the material already presented)
- Hand-outs provided by instructor.
B. Suggested Texts:
- A. Duranti (2001) (Ed.) Key Terms in Language and Culture.
Malden, MA: Blackwell.
- Silverstein, Michael and Greg Urban (Eds.) (1996).
Natural Histories of Discourse. Chicago, University of Chicago Press.
C. Choose two of the following monographs for "Book assignment":
- Ahearn, Laura
M. (2001). Invitations to Love: Literacy, Love Letters, and Social Change
in Nepal. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press.
- Besnier, Niko (1995).
Literacy, Emotion, and Authority: Reading and Writing on a Polynesian Atoll.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Brown, Penelope and Stephen C. Levinson
(1987). Politeness: Some Universals in Language Usage. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
- Capps, Lisa and Elinor Ochs (1995). Constructing Panic:
The Discourse of Agoraphobia. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
- Duranti,
Alessandro (1994) From Grammar to Politics: Linguistic Anthropology in
a Western Samoan Village. Berkley & Los Angeles: University of California
- Errington, J. Joseph (1998). Shifting Languages: Interaction
and Identity in Javanese Indonesia. Cambridge: Cambridge University
- Feld, Steven (1990). Sound and sentiment: birds, weeping,
poetics, and song in Kaluli expression. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania
- Goodwin, Marjorie Harness (1990). He-Said-She-Said: Talk
as Social Organization among Black Children. Bloomington, IN:
Indiana University Press.
- Graham, Laura R. (1995). Performing Dreams: Discourses
of Immortality Among the Xavante of Central Brazil. Austin:
University of Texas Press.
- Hill, Jane H. and Kenneth C. Hill (1986). Speaking
Mexicano: Dynamics of a Syncretic Language in Central Mexico. Tucson:
University of Arizona Press.
- Keating, Elizabeth (1998). Power Sharing:
Language, Rank, Gender and Social Space in Pohnpei, Micronesia. Oxford:
Oxford University Press.
- Kroskrity, Paul V. (1993). Language, History,
and Identity: Ethnolinguistic Studies of the Arizona Tewa. Tucson:
University of Arizona Press.
- Kuipers, Joel C. (1998).
Language, Identity, and Marginality in Indonesia: The Changing Nature of Ritual Speech
on the Island of Sumba. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Lucy, John A. (1992). Grammatical Categories and Cognition: A Case Study of the Linguistic Relativity Hypothesis.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Lucy, John A. (1992). Language Diversity
and Thought: A Reformulation of the Linguistic Relativity Hypothesis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Mannheim, Bruce (1991). The Language of the Inka since the European Invasion. Austin: University of Texas Press.
- Hanks, William F. (1990). Referential
Practice: Language and Lived Space Among the Maya. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
- Rampton, Ben (1995). Crossing: Language and Ethnicity among Adolescents. London: Longman.
- Morgan, Marcyliena (2002). Language, Discourse and Power in African American Culture. Cambridge: Cambridge University
- Rymes, Betsy (2001). Conversational Borderlands: Language and Identity in an Alternative Urban High School. New York: Teachers
College Press.
- Sapir, Edward (1994). The Psychology of Culture: A Course of Lectures. Reconstructed and Edited
by Judith T. Irvine. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
- Zentella, Ana Celia (1997). Growing Up Bilingual: Puerto Rican Children in New York. Oxford: Blackwell.
Week I: Introduction to the course.
a) Discussion of requirements,
assignments, readings.
b) Lecture: Language as an object of inquiry. What’s interesting about
language for anthropologists?
Readings for next week:
i) A. Duranti, LA, Ch. 1, "The scope of linguistic
anthropology," pp.
ii) A. Duranti, Reader, "Linguistic anthropology: History, ideas, and
issues, pp. 1-38.
iii) F. Boas, 1887. The Study of Geography. Repr. in Boas 1940: 639-47. (Packet)
iv) F. Boas, 1911. "Introduction," in Handbook of American Indian
Languages, vol. BAE-B 40, Part I. Ed. F. Boas. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian
Institution and Bureau of American Ethnology. (Packet)
v) M. Mithun, 2004. The Value of Linguistic Diversity: Viewing Other Worlds through North American Indian Languages. (Packet) in A. Duranti (Ed.) A Companion to Linguistic Anthropology, Blackwell, pp. 121-40. (Packet)
[See also hand-out # 1 for more references]
Assignment #1
Week II: Language as Culture
a) Discussion of homework, readings.
b) Lecture: More on conceptualizations of language and the tools for its study. Toward Structuralism.
for next week:
i) Duranti, LA: chapter 6: "Meaning in linguistic forms"pp. 162-174
ii) Anderson, S. (1985) Phonology in the 20th century: Theories of Rules and Theories of Representation. Chicago U Press. pp. 198-216) (On Boas).(Packet)
iii) E. Sapir (1927) The Unconscious Patterning of Behavior in Society. (Packet)
iv) E. Sapir (1994) The Psychology of Culture, Ch. 12: Symbolism. (Packet)
v) Chomsky (1965) Aspects of the Theory of Syntax. pp. 3-37, 63-75, 106-111, 128-47. (Packet)
vi) Hymes, "On Communicative Competence," in A. Duranti, Reader,
Ch. 2.
Assignment #2
Week III: Language as Culture
a) Discussion of homework, readings.
b) Lecture: Theories of culture and theories of language.
for next week:
i) Duranti, LA: chapter 2: "Theories of culture"pp. 162-174
ii) Rapport & Overing, SC Anthro, pp. 1-28 (on Agent and Agency, Auto-Anthropology, and Culture); pp. 32-40 (on Classification); pp. 51-79 (on Cognition , Consciousness); pp. 206-211 (on Interpretation).
Assignment #3
Week IV: Theories of culture informed by linguistics and theories of language informed by theories of culture.
a) Discussion of homework, readings.
b) Lecture: Ethnography, Inscription and Transcription.
i) Duranti, LA: chapter 4, "Ethnography," and chapter 5 "Transcription"
ii) Ochs, E. (1979). Transcription as Theory. Developmental Pragmatics. E.
Ochs and B. B. Schieffelin, eds. New York, Academic Press: 43-72. (Packet)
iii) Silverstein, "The Limits of Awareness," in A. Duranti.
Reader, Ch. 16.
(iv) (Suggested) Rapport & Osling, SC Anthro, "Dialogics and Analogics," "Discourse," "Ecriture
Feminine," "Ethnomethodology" (pp. 115-135), "Narrative" (pp.
283-290), "Thick Description" (pp.349-52), "Visualism" (pp.386-91), "Writing" (pp.
Assignment #4
Week V: Transcription as a Cultural Activity
a) Discussion of homework, readings.
b) Lecture: The encoding of participant roles in grammar.
i) Duranti, LA: chapter 6, "Meaning in linguistic forms" (finish reading the chapter).
ii) Van Valin, R. (2001) An Introduction to Syntax. Cambridge University Press. Chapters 1 and 2 (pp. 1-85)
Week VI: Grammar and Participation
a) Discussion of homework, readings.
b) Lecture: Speech Acts and other units of action
i) Duranti, Ch. 7, "Speaking as Social Action" and Ch. 8 "Conversational
ii) Duranti, "Universal and culture-specific properties of greetings",
in Duranti, Reader, Ch. 9.
iii) Bailey, "Communication of Respect in Interethnic Service Encounters," in
Duranti, Reader, Ch. 5.
iv) (Suggested) Rapport & Overing, SC Anthro, "Agent and Agency, "Alterity" and "Auto-Anthropology" (pp.
1-28), and "Culture" (pp. 92-102), "Classification" (pp.
32-40), "Cognition" and "Consciousness" (pp. 51-79), "Interpretation" (pp.206-211).
Week VII: Speech Acts, Activities, and Events
a) Discussion of homework, readings.
b)Lecture: Performing Language: Aesthetics and Social Action
i) Bauman, "Verbal art as performance", in Duranti, Reader, Ch.
ii) Mitchell-Kernan, "Signifying and Marking: Two Afro-American Speech
Acts," in Duranti, Reader, Ch. 6.
iii) Irvine, "Formality and informality in communicative events," in
Duranti, Reader, Ch. 8.
iii) Rapport & Osling, SC Anthro, "Liminality" (pp. 229-36).
Week VIII: The Performing of Language and Culture
a) Discussion of homework, readings.
b)Lecture: The Power in Language
i) Duranti, LA, Ch. 9, "Participation," pp. 280-339.
ii) Ochs & Taylor, "The "Father Knows Best" Dynamic in
Dinnertime Narratives," in Duranti, Reader, Ch. 19.
iii) Gal, S. 2001. "Language, Gender, and Power: An Anthropological Review," in
Linguistic Anthropology: A Reader. Edited by A. Duranti, pp. 420-30. Malden,
MA: Blackwell.
iv) Hill, J. H. 2001. "Language, Race, and White Public Space," in
Linguistic Anthropology: A Reader. Edited by A. Duranti, pp. 450-64. Malden,
MA: Blackwell.
v) Rapport and Overing, SC Anthro, "Human Rights" (pp.162-72), "Stereotypes" (pp.
343-9), "Transaction" (pp. 360-3), "Violence" (380-6).
Week IX: Language and Power
a) Discussion of assignments and readings.
b) Lecture: Past, present and future challenges in the study of language as
i) Duranti, LA, Chapter 10, "Conclusions"
ii) A. Duranti, "Language as Culture in U.S. Anthropology: Three Paradigms." Current
Anthropology 44 (3):323-47. (Packet)
b) Lecture: Past, present and future challenges in the study of language as
Week X: Paradigms & Final Discussion
a) Discussion of assignments and readings.
Useful collections of articles:
- Mandelbaum, D. G. (Ed.). (1949). Selected Writings of Edward Sapir in
Language, Culture, and Personality . Berkeley and Los Angeles: University
of California Press.
- Carroll, J. B. (Ed.). (1956). Language, Thought, and
Reality: Selected
Writings of Benjamin Lee Whorf . Cambridge, MA: M.I.T. Press.
- Gumperz,
J. J. and D. Hymes (1972). Directions in Sociolinguistics: The Ethnography
of Communication. New York, Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
- Bauman, R. and J.
Sherzer, Eds. (1989). Explorations in the Ethnography of Speaking, 2nd
Edition. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
- Duranti, A., & Goodwin,
C. (Eds.). (1992). Rethinking Context: Language as an Interactive Phenomenon
. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Useful introductions to linguistic topics for linguistic anthropologists:
- Finegan, E. (1994). Language: Its Structure and Use, 2nd edition. New
York, Harcourt. (A sociolinguistically oriented introduction to linguistic
theory and terminology).
- Hanks, W. F. 1996. Language and Communicative Practices. Boulder, CO: Westview.
(An introduction to linguistic anthropology with particular emphasis
on European scholarship and Hanks’ own research on Maya).
- Muysken, P. 2000. Bilingual Speech: A Typology of Code-Mixing. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
- Newman, P., and
M. S. Ratliff. 2001. Linguistic fieldwork. Cambridge ; New York: Cambridge
University Press. (An interesting collection of essays
on fieldwork written by linguists and for linguists).
- Van Valin, R. J.
2001. An Introduction to Syntax. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
(A good introduction to current theories of syntax,
in a cross-linguistic, typological perspective).
Introductions to Chomsky's generative paradigm:
- Baker, M. C. 2001. The Atoms of Language. New York: Basic Books. [Trade
- Chomsky, N. 1986. Knowledge of Language: Its Nature, Origin and Use. New
York: Praeger.
- Pinker, S. 1994. The Language Instinct: How the Mind Creates
Language. New York: William Morrow and Company.