Final - Winter 1996

Student's NAME__________________________________(Last, First)

T.A. __________________________

Before starting to write, read carefully all of the questions. They are worth a maximum of 35 points (35% of your grade):

1. Connect each scholar with a particular concept:

a. Kroskrity ( )

i. ghinnawa

b. Myers ( )

ii. Samoan dance styles

c. Duranti ( )

iii. ngurra' country

d. Zentella ( )

iv. repertoire of identitiy

e. Abu-Lughod ( )

v. lauga changes across contexts

f. Shore ( )

vi. contextualization cue

g. Ferguson ( )

vii. baby talk

h. Gumperz ( )

viii. Spanish in Puerto Rico ( )

2. Describe two of the three misconceptions of multiculturalism discussed by Duranti (and listed in hand-out) and give an rexample to illustrate each of the two (you can use Duranti's examples or other ones from the readings).

1) ______________________________________________________________________


Ex. ________________________________________________________________________


2) ________________________________________________________________________




3. Briefly discuss the differences between a lauga performed in a ceremony and one performed in a political arena (fono) as described in Duranti's chapter 4 and illustrated in the the video shown in class.















4. How do Samoan, Kaluli, and White Middle Class mothers differ in the ways in which they socialize children to language and through language?
















5. How do time, space, narratives, and paintings relate to the Dreaming for Australian Aboriginal people?
















6. List 2 of the features of Baby Talk as described by Ferguson and give an example for each:

1) ___________________________________________________________



2) ___________________________________________________________



7. Do either A or B:

A. How was Wendy Fonarow's discussion of Halloween relevant to the notion of socialization?

B. What is the difference between metaphorical and situational code-switching?








8. Do either A or B:

A. What did Benjamin Bailey discover in his fieldwork in stores owned by Koreans?

B. Jennifer Reynolds showed how a Samoan American girl needs several attempts to get her father to engage her in a reading activity. What does the interaction illustrate?








9. What is "Crosstalk"? Give a definition and one example (either from the BBC program or from the readings).







10. What is, according to Abu-Lughod, the difference between the discourse of honor and the discourse of personal sentiments among the Bedouins?
















11. Do either A or B:

A. How are children in a Western Samoan village resocialized through literacy instruction?

B. What did you learn about the relationship between language and ethnic identity from Zentella's article?













