References on Greetings
(updated September 26, 1998)
(Note: The publications that focus on greetings or provide an extensive
discussion of greeting behavior are marked by a '*'. The rest may
have some parts dedicated to greetings or may treat material that
is relevant to the identification and classification of greetings.
Please send suggestions on names of authors and publications I might
have missed to
Bloch, M. (1975). Introduction. In Political Language and Oratory
in Traditional Society, ed. M. Bloch. 1-28. London, Academic Press.
Crago, M. B. (1988). Cultural Context in Communicative Interaction
of Inuit Children. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. McGill University,
Duranti, A. (1981). The Samoan Fono: A Sociolinguistic Study. Pacific
Linguistics Monographs, Series B. Vol. 80. Canberra, Australian National
University, Department of Linguistics.
*Duranti, A. (1992). Language and Bodies in Social Space: Samoan
Ceremonial Greetings. American Anthropologist, 94, 657-91.
*Duranti, A. (1997). Universal and Culture-Specific Properties of
Greetings. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology, 7: 63-97.
*Duranti, A. (1997). Polyphonic Discourse: Overlapping in Samoan
Ceremonial Greetings. Text 17:349-81.
Duranti, A. and E. Ochs (1986). Literacy Instruction in a Samoan
Village. In Acquisition of Literacy: Ethnographic Perspectives, ed.
B. B. Schieffelin and P. Gilmore. 213-32. Norwood, N.J., Ablex.
*Ferguson, C. A. (1976). The Structure and Use of Politeness Formulas.
Language in Society 5: 137-51.
*Firth, R. (1970). Postures and Gestures of Respect. In Echanges
et Communications: Melanges Offerts a Claude Levi-Strauss a l' Occasion
de son 60eme Anniversaire, ed. J. P. a. P. Maranda. 188-209. The
Hague, Mouton.
*Firth, R. (1972). Verbal and Bodily Rituals of Greeting and Parting.
In The Interpretation of Ritual: Essays in Honour of A.I. Richards,
ed. J. S. La Fontaine. 1-38. Londong, Tavistock.
Frake, C. O. (1975). How to Enter a Yakan House. In Sociocultural
Dimensions of Language Use, ed. M. Sanchez and B. G. Blount. 25-40.
New York, Academic Press.
Goffman, E. (1963). Behavior in Public Places: Notes on the Social
Organization of Gathering. New York, Free Press.
Goffman, E. (1967). Interaction Ritual: Essays in Face to Face Behavior.
Garden City, New York, Doubleday.
Goffman, E. (1972) Relations in Public: Microstudies of the Public
Order. Harmondsworth: Penguin.
Goffman, E. (1974). Frame Analysis: An Essay on the Organization
of Experience. New York, Harper and Row.
Goffman, E. (1981). Forms of Talk. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania
*Goody, E. (1972). 'Greeting', 'begging', and the Presentation of
Respect. In The Interpretation of Ritual, ed. J. S. La Fontaine.
39-71. London, Tavistock.
Hanks, W. F. (1990). Referential Practice: Language and Lived Space
Among the Maya. Chicago, University of Chicago Press.
*Irvine, J. (1974). Strategies of Status Manipulation in Wolof Greeting.
In Explorations in the Ethnography of Speaking, ed. R. Bauman and
J. Sherzer. 167-191. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Irvine, J. T. (1979). Formality and Informality in Communicative
Events. American Anthropologist 81: 773-790.
Keesing, F. and M. Keesing (1956). Elite Communication in Samoa.
Palo Alto, Stanford University Press.
Kendon, A. (1967). Some Functions of Gaze-Direction in Social Interaction.
Acta Psychologica 26: 22-63.
Kendon, A. (1977). Studies in the Behavior of Social Interaction.
Lisse, The Peter De Ridder Press.
*Kendon, A. and
A. Ferber (1973). A Description of Some Human Greetings. In Comparative
Ecology and Behaviour of Primates, ed. R. P. Michael
and J. H. Crook. 591-668. London & New York, Academic Press.
(Reprinted in Kendon 1977)
Kleinke, C. L. (1986). Gaze and Eye Contact: A Research Review.
Psychological Bulletin 100(1): 78-100.
Milner, G. B. (1961). The Samoan Vocabulary of Respect. Journal
of the Royal Anthropological Institute 91: 296-317.
*Milton, K. (1982). Meaning and Context: The Interpretation of Greetings
in Kasigau. In Semantic Anthropology, ed. D. Parkin. London, Academic
Moerman, M. (1990). Studying Gestures in Social Context. In Culture
Embodied, ed. M. Moerman and M. Nomura. 5-52. Osaka, National Museum
of Ethnology.
Sacks, H., E. A. Schegloff, et al. (1974). A Simplest Systematics
for the Organization of Turn-Taking for Conversation. Language 50:
*Salmond, A. (1974). Rituals of Encounter among the Maori: Sociolinguistic
Study of a Scence. In Explorations in the Ethnography of Speaking,
ed. R. Bauman and J. Sherzer. 192-212. Cambridge, Cambridge University
Schegloff, E. (1987). The Routine as Achievement. Human Studies
9: 111-151.
*Schegloff, E. A. (1968). Sequencing in Conversational Openings.
American Anthropologist 70: 1075-1095.
*Schegloff, E. A. (1979). Identification and Recognition in Telephone
Openings. In Everyday Language, ed. G. Psathas. 23-78. New York,
Schegloff, E. A. and H. Sacks (1973). Opening Up Closings. Semiotica
8: 289-327.
*Schiffrin, D. (1977). Opening Encounters. American Sociological
Review 42: 679-691.
Sherzer, J. (1983). Kuna Ways of Speaking: An Ethnographic Perspective.
Austin, University of Texas Press.
*Youssouf, I. A., A. D. Grimshaw, et al. (1976). Greetings in the
Desert. American Ethnologist 3(4): 797-824.