(Debate in Santa Maria, 9 August 1996)
Audience; ((clapps))
Moderator; Our- third speaker is:- representative Andrea. Seastrand.
Audience; ((clapping, cheers, Moderator bangs his gavel))
Seastrand; well- (.) Now- ( ? agency ? ) be here to help bring us together. It’s a pleasure to be here in Santa Maria today. And I welcome Professor Capps as well as my other opponents- uh- on the campaign trail. This is just one I’m sure of many opportunities we’ll have to talk about the issues (.) important to the people on the central coast of California. hh And I know I welcome Lois, hi Lois, good to know- have you here today. I know what tragedy is in- in our lives. You never know when you wake up in the morning what’s going to face you. And uh- I had my tragedy and my share definitely with my husband of seven and a half years of cancer. So we overcome it and welcome. (.) You know it’s a great pleasure to be with all of you today to discuss the issues that are facing our country.