(Debate in Santa Maria, 9 August 1996)
Moderator; Our last speaker- uh- … is David Bershon ((pronounced with /sh/))
BERSOHN; uh-the pronunciation is Bersohn but you’re close.
Moderator; Oh sorry.
BERSOHN;; Quite all right. uh- I’d like to thank the Area Agency on Aging for including me here cause you know there’s lots of debates before an election. People like Steve and me are left out of most of them. So I really appreciate being included today. … uhm- my name is David Bersohn and you can repeat that to get the name recognition out there. I don’t have a multi-million dollar campaign chest so I have to- plug for myself here. uhm- (.) I’m uh libertarian, … I’m 43 years old. I’ve lived in the area here since 1987. I currently live in Arroyo Grande. (.) I’m a homeowner. uhm- single, … uh- I grew up at ( ? ? ) upstate New York. Grew up in New York City. uhm- I went to college in Ohio, uh- a major in economics and uh- I also have a law degree from Columbia University so I hope I’ll be able to make my way through the thick of the thousand page bills that seem to have went through Congress these days. uhm- my political experience includes running for this post before and in- in my last campaign I was able to spend about 500 dollars and I got about 4,000 votes. […]