(Debate in Santa Barbara, 7 October 1996)
Bersohn; Hi. My name is David Bersohn,=I am the Libertarian Party candidate. I‘ll give you a short introduction to myself. uhm I grew up in New York City, first Up State New York. and Down State in the Bronx and Brooklyn. … uhm … I went to:- … Oberlain College where I got a BA uh majored in economics ... after that I got a: doctorate in jurisprudence from Columbia University School of Law, … which I hope will- uh allow me to read my way through some of those thousands of page bills that emanate from Congress these days. –hh uhm. moved to California in 1987. I lived in (rural) Arroyo Grande since 1991, uh my primary occupation uh is- (that) as an artist. I make (welded) steel sculptures so basically I- I feel rather like at home in an environment like this although I don’t see any of my work around here, ((pretends to look around)) uhm
Audience; ((sparse chuckles))
Bersohn; and as you may- may have guessed this- disguise here ((points to himself, his suit?)) is left over from my days when I was in law school student hoping to get a job. uhm. ((looks at his notes)) I’d like to (point to) some ((interrupted)) …