The Culture of Jazz Aesthetics Anthropology M142R Instructors: Profs. Kenny Burrell and Alessandro Duranti Spring 2006 / Tuesday 11-2PM / SMB 1343 [Updated May 10, 2006, 4pm] Third Assignment How spontaneous is improvisation? Taking off from the discussion we had in class about spontaneity and organization: (For jazz musicians ONLY). (1) How do you see the issue of spontaneity with respect to your own playing? Make sure to use Peter Martin's chapter as a starting point for your reflections/observations; (2) How do you see the relationship between spontaneity and playing with a big band? (Jazz musicians also have the option of choosing the assignment for the rest of the class instead of this one) (For everyone ELSE in the class): (1) Find out something more about Howard Becker's notion of the "art world" (specify where and/or from whom you obtained this information), (2) briefly discuss how it is relevant to understanding the issue of spontaneity vs. organization and planning in jazz as discussed by Peter Martin in his chapter in the Cambridge Companion to Jazz This assignment is due (double spaced) at the beginning of class next week. There is no minimum or maximum number of words (but 200 are probably not enough and 2000 are probably too many). As always, try to be (a) concise rather than verbose (avoid fancy introductions, go straight to the point), (b) analytical (i.e. use and show your ability to identify patterns or types) and (c) careful (avoid commonplaces, reflect on your own presuppositions and use them to make explicit what is in need of understanding/explanation). Make sure to include YOUR NAME and MAJOR at the top of each typed page. |