The Culture of Jazz Aesthetics Anthropology M142R; Ethnomusicology M130; WAC M136 Instructors: Profs. Kenny Burrell and Alessandro Duranti [In preparation; Updated April 16, 2006] Sawyer, R. K. 2003. Group Creativity: Music, Theater, Collaboration. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. Chapter 1 1. What are the key characteristics of all group creativity according to Sawyer? Briefly define each one of them. 2. Saywer wrote "Group creativity occurs on a collaborative, social plane, rather than in performer's heads". What does it mean? Give some examples. 3. What is the system view of creativity? 4. (For jazz musicians). Do you agree with what the author says about the features of creativity? Explain your evaluation. Chapter 2: Jamming in Jazz and Improv Theater 1. What is a song form used for [By the way, the 32-bar form is very common but not the only form used in jazz]? What does it mean to "trade fours"? What does it show about group performance? 2.Why is the notion of interactional synchrony useful to talk about improvisation and creativity? 3. What is Group FLow? 4. Why are conventions important for improvisation? What did you learn about the tension between conventions and innovations? 5. What is the "Yes and ..." rule? 6. Why is the discussion of licks and mistakes important? 7. What does it mean that the audience is collaborating? Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7