Bolté To Gruenther, "Discussion with
Col Byroade on German Rearmament," July 25, 1950
G-3 1950-51 TS Decimal File, 091 Germany, box 21, Case 12, Section I-C,
Book I, RG 319, U.S. National Archives
Staff Study: Rearmament of Western Germany, August
2, 1950
G-3 1950-51 TS Decimal File, 091 Germany, box 21, Case 12, Section I-C,
Book II, RG 319, U.S. National Archives
Byroade to McCloy, August 3, 1950, enclosing Byroade's
"Approach to the Formation of a 'European Army'"
Department of State Central Files, 740.5/8-350, RG 59, U.S. National Archives
Memorandum for General Schuyler, August 5, 1950 (Byroade-Mock-Miller
meeting of August 3
G-3 1950-51 TS Decimal File, 091 Germany, box 21, Case 12, Section I-C,
Book II, RG 319, U.S. National Archives
Schuyler memorandum for the record (Schuyler-Byroade-Gerhardt
meeting), August 10, 1950
G-3 1950-51 TS Decimal File, 091 Germany, box 21, Case 12, Section I-C,
Book II, RG 319, U.S. National Archives
Bolté memorandum for Gruenther (with attached
comparison of State Dept. and G-3 plans), August 10, 1950
G-3 1950-51 TS Decimal File, 091 Germany, box 21, Case 12, Section I-C,
Book II, RG 319, U.S. National Archives
Bolté to Army Chief of Staff (Collins), August
28, 1950
G-3 1950-51 TS Decimal File, 091 Germany, box 20, Section 1, box 20, RG
319, U.S. National Archives
Memorandum for the Secretary of State, August 30,
1950 (Acheson-Nitze-Byroade-Perkins meeting)
Acheson Papers (Lot File 53 D444), box 9, RG 59, U.S. National Archives
Bolté to Army Chief of Staff (Collins), August
31, 1950
G-3 1950-51 TS Decimal File, 091 Germany, box 21, Case 12, Section I-C,
Book II, RG 319, U.S. National Archives
Memorandum by Army Chief of Staff, enclosed in
Ware to JCS Secretary, September 1, 1950
G-3 1950-51 TS Decimal File, 091 Germany, box 21, Case 12, Section I-C,
Book II, RG 319, U.S. National Archives
Miller memorandum, and Gruenther to Davis, Duncan
and Edwards, both September 1, 1950, enclosing "Plan for the Development
of West German Security Forces"
G-3 1950-51 TS Decimal File, 091 Germany, box 21, Case 12, Section I-C,
Book II, RG 319, U.S. National Archives; the plan is also in CCS 092 Germany
(5-4-49), sec 3, RG 218, U.S. National Archives
Bérard to Foreign Ministry, mid-October 1950
Series "Europe 1949-1955," subseries "Allemagne," box
187 (formerly box 70), ff. 7-8, French Foreign Ministry Archives, Paris
Bérard to Foreign Ministry, October 17,
Series "Europe 1949-1955," subseries "Allemagne," box
187 (formerly box 70), French Foreign Ministry Archives, Paris
Council on Foreign Relations Study Group on Nuclear
Weapons and U.S. Foreign Policy, first meeting, November 8, 1954 (extract)
Hanson Baldwin Papers, box 125, folder 23, Sterling Memorial Library, Yale
University, New Haven, CT