Curriculum Vitae: Marc Trachtenberg (January 2025)
Scholar Award, International Studies Association, International Security
Studies Section (2021) Associate
Professor of History, University of Pennsylvania, 1980-1991 Professor of
History, University of Pennsylvania, 1991-2001 Professor of
Political Science, University of California at Los Angeles, 2001-2015; Professor Emeritus of Political Science,
University of California at Los Angeles, 2015- Visiting
Associate Professor of Politics, Brandeis University, 1989 Adjunct
Associate Professor and then Adjunct Professor, School of International and
Public Affairs, Columbia University, 1989, 1994 Adjunct
Associate Professor, Political Science Department, Columbia University, 1990 Visiting
Professor of History, Yale University, 1992 and 1996-97 Editor of The
Development of American Strategic Thought, 6 vols. (New York: Garland,
1988) History and
(Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1991) A
Constructed Peace: The Making of the European Settlement, 1945-1963 (Princeton: Princeton
University Press, 1999) A
roundtable discussion of this book appeared in H-Diplo in August 2000. To find the roundtable, search for the
title of the book on the H-Net search engine; limit the search for the logs for that
month. The
Internet supplement includes a discussion of declassification
one of the methods used in the book, plus some additional material relating to that
subject posted in 2013, plus a number of appendices to the book. Editor of Between
Empire and Alliance: America and Europe during the Cold War (Rowman and
Littlefield, 2003) The
Craft of International History: A Guide to Method (Princeton University
Press, 2006). Chapter 1 (link) Chapter 4 (link) Whole book (link) A
roundtable discussion on "International Relations Theory and Diplomatic
History," focusing on a paper called “Theory and Diplomatic
(drawn from chapter two of this book), with contributions by Robert Jervis, Donald Kagan, Eliot Cohen, and Fraser Harbutt, and also including a rejoinder I wrote, appeared in Historically
Speaking, vol. 8, no. 2 (November-December 2006). H-Diplo
also published a roundtable on this book in
December 2007 (edited by Patrick Finney, who also wrote the introduction, and
with contributions by Antony Best, John Ferris, Petra Goedde, Geoff Roberts,
and with my reply). If that link doesn’t work, you can search for the title
of the book on the H-Net search engine. A
Chinese translation of this book was published in Taiwan in 2010 (link—with link to Chinese
translation of the first chapter). A
Japanese translation, with an introduction for the Japanese reader, was published
in 2022 (link to intro
in English). A Chinese Simplified edition was published
in Beijing by East Babel Culture Media Company in 2025. The Cold War and
After: History, Theory, and the Logic
of International Politics (Princeton University Press, 2012) H-Diplo also did a
roundtable on this book in September 2012 (link). Articles: “The Social
Interpretation of Foreign Policy,” Review of Politics (July 1978) (pdf version) “Reparation at
the Paris Peace Conference” (with comments and reply), Journal of Modern
History (March 1979); republished in part in William R. Keylor, ed., The
Legacy of the Great War: Peacemaking, 1919 (Boston: Houghton Mifflin,
1998) (pdf version) “Poincaré's
Deaf Ear: The Otto Wolff Affair and French Ruhr Policy, August-September
1923,” The Historical Journal, 24:3 (1981) (pdf version) “Poincaré
eut-il en 1923 une politique rhénane?” Revue d'histoire diplomatique
(1981) (pdf) “Versailles
after Sixty Years,” Journal of Contemporary History (1982) (pdf version) “Keynes
Triumphant: A Study in the Social History of Economic Ideas,” Knowledge
and Society, vol. 4 (1983) (link) "Strategists,
Philosophers and the Nuclear Question," Ethics 95:3 (April 1985),
republished in Russell Hardin et al, Nuclear Deterrence: Ethics and
Strategy (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1985) (pdf version) "The
Influence of Nuclear Weapons in the Cuban Missile Crisis," International
Security 10:1 (Summer 1985) (pdf version); selected documents with introduction (pdf) "The
Question of No-First-Use," Orbis 29:4 (Winter 1986) (link) “A ‘Wasting
Asset’: American Strategy and the Shifting Nuclear Balance, 1949-54,” International
Security 13:3, (Winter 1988-89) (pdf version) “Strategic
Thought in America, 1952-66,” Political Science Quarterly 104:2
(Summer 1989) (pdf version). “Worum geht es
bei der Kernwaffenfrage?” in Uwe Nerlich and Trutz Rendtoff, eds., Nukleare
Abschreckung: Politische und ethische Interpretationen einer neuen Realität (Baden
Baden, 1989). Original (unpublished) English-language version, “What is the
Nuclear Question?” (Word conversion from old PC-write
program) “American
Thinking on Nuclear War,” in C.G. Jacobsen, ed., Strategic Power: USA/USSR
(London: Macmillan, 1990) (pdf) “New Light on
the Missile Crisis?” Diplomatic History (Spring 1990) (pdf version) “The
Nuclearization of NATO and U.S.-West European Relations,” in John Gillingham
and Francis Heller, eds, NATO, the Integration of Europe and the Atlantic
Alliance (London, 1991) (pdf) “The Past and
Future of Arms Control,” Daedalus (Winter 1991), reprinted in Emanuel
Adler, ed., The International Practice of Arms Control (pdf version) “The Meaning
of Mobilization in 1914,” International Security 15:3, Winter 1990-91,
reprinted in Steven Miller et al, Military Strategy and the Origins of the
First World War (Princeton, 1991) (pdf version) This is an
abbreviated version of the article on the July Crisis published in the History
and Strategy book (pdf version). Correspondence
relating to this article was published in International Security 16:1
(Summer 1991) (pdf version) “L'ouverture
des archives américaines: vers de nouvelles perspectives,” in Maurice Vaïsse,
ed., L'Europe et la Crise de Cuba (Paris, 1993) (Word version); Italian translation
in Leopoldo Nuti, I Missile di Ottobre: La Storiografia Americana e la
Crisi Cubana dell'Ottobre 1962 (Milan, 1994). English language version
(never published, and somewhat different from the French version--this was
actually written after the French version): Word version “Intervention
in Historical Perspective,” in Carl Kaysen and Laura Reed, eds., Emerging
Norms of Justified Intervention (Cambridge, MA, 1993) (Word version) “La formation
du système de défense occidentale: les Etats-Unis, la France et MC 48,” in
Maurice Vaïsse, Pierre Mélandri and Frédéric Bozo, La France et l'OTAN,
1949-1996 (Paris, 1996) (Word version). A somewhat revised English-language version
was published in the Cold War and After
book. “The Myth of
Potsdam,” in B. Heuser et al, eds., Myths in History (Providence, RI
and Oxford: Berghahn, 1998) (Word version) “The Past
Under Siege,” The Wall Street Journal, July 17, 1998. Republished in
Elizabeth Fox-Genovese and Elisabeth Lasch-Quinn, Reconstructing History:
The Emergence of a New Historical Society (New York and London:
Routledge, 1999), and (in Portuguese) as “O Passado Debaixo de Cerco,” in
Nova Cidadania, Número 1, Verão 1999, pp. 59-61.(html version) “Making Grand
Strategy: The Early Cold War Experience in Retrospect,” SAIS Review,
19:1 (Winter-Spring 1999) (html version) “The United
States, France, and the Question of German Power, 1945-1960,” in Stephen
Schuker, ed., Deutschland und Frankreich vom Konflikt zur Aussöhnung: Die
Gestaltung der westeuropäischen Sicherheit 1914-1963, Schriften des
Historischen Kollegs, Kolloquien 46 (Munich: Oldenbourg, 2000) (Word version) (pdf version). This was originally a
paper given at a conference at the Historisches Kolleg in August 1997. “The Making of
a Political System: The German Question in International Politics, 1945-1963,”
in Paul Kennedy and William Hitchcock, eds., From War to Peace: Altered
Strategic Landscapes in the Twentieth Century (New Haven: Yale University
Press, 2000). (Word version) “Versailles
Revisited” (Review of Manfred Boemeke, Gerald Feldman and Elisabeth Glaser, The
Treaty of Versailles: A Reassessment after 75 Years. Cambridge, UK:
German History Institute, Washington, and Cambridge University Press, 1998), Security
Studies 9:2 (Spring 2000), 191-205 (Word version) (pdf version) “De Gaulle,
Moravcsik, and Europe,” Journal of Cold War Studies, 2:3 (Fall 2000),
101-116 (pdf version). Comment on Andrew
Moravcsik's “De Gaulle between Grain and Grandeur: The Political Economy of
French EC Policy, 1958-1970,” ibid., 2:2-3 (Spring-Fall 2000) “America,
Europe, and German Rearmament, August-September 1950” [with Christopher
Gehrz], Journal of European Integration History 6:2 (December 2000),
9-35 (pdf version). This is a
contribution to a special issue of that journal on U.S.-European relations,
1950-1974 for which I was the guest editor. A slightly revised version has
been published in Marc Trachtenberg, ed., Between Empire and Alliance:
America and Europe during the Cold War (Rowman and Littlefield, 2003) (Word version). Internet supplement (unpublished documents
cited in the article reproduced in pdf format). Another version of this paper
was published in the Cold War and After
book. “New Light on
the Cold War?” Diplomacy and Statecraft 12:4 (December 2001), 10-17 (Word version) (pdf version) “A Military
Coalition in Time of Peace: America, Europe and the NATO Alliance, 1949-1962,”
written for a conference on coalition warfare at the U.S. Air Force Academy,
Colorado Springs, October 8, 1998, and published in Dennis Showalter, ed., Future
Wars: Coalition Operations in Global Strategy (Chicago: Imprint
Publications, 2002) (Word version) “The Origins
of the Historical Society: A Personal View,” Historically Speaking (June 2003) (word version) “France and
the German Question, 1945-1955” [with Michael Creswell], Journal of Cold
War Studies 5:3 (Summer 2003) (with responses and a rejoinder) (pdf version of article) “The Bush
Strategy in Historical Perspective,” in James Wirtz and Jeffrey Larsen, eds.,
Nuclear Transformation: The New U.S. Nuclear Doctrine (New York:
Palgrave Macmillan, 2005) (Word version) “The Iraq
Crisis and the Future of the Western Alliance,” in David M. Andrews. ed., The
Atlantic Alliance Under Stress (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
2005) (proofs on pdf) (word version, more fully footnoted,
with direct links to documents cited). A forum on this book (with certain comments
on my article and with my response) was published in the Cambridge Review
of International Affairs, 19:1 (March 2006). “The Question
of Realism: An Historian's View,” Security Studies, 13:1 (Fall 2003) (a
better version was included in the The
Cold War and After book) (link). Comment on
Robert Jervis, “Security Studies: Ideas, Policy, and Politics,” in The
Evolution of Political Knowledge: Democracy, Autonomy, and Conflict in
Comparative and International Politics, ed. Edward D. Mansfield and
Richard Sisson (Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 2004) (Word version) (Google Books). Comment on
Bruce Kuklick, “The Future of the Profession,” part of a forum (with Kuklick
and Leo Ribuffo) on “The American Historical Profession in the 21st Century,”
in Historically Speaking, Sept.-Oct. 2004 (downloaded version). “The Marshall
Plan as Tragedy,” comment on Michael Cox and Caroline Kennedy-Pipe, “The
Tragedy of American Diplomacy? Rethinking the Marshall Plan,” both published
in the Journal of Cold War Studies, 7:1 (Winter 2005) (text of comment on pdf) (text of original
article on pdf). “The Problem
of International Order and How to Think About It,” The Monist, 89:2
(April 2006), issue on the Foundations of International Order (Bruce Kuklick,
guest editor) (pdf version). This article was
republished in the Cold War and After book. “Preventive
War and U.S. Foreign Policy,” Security Studies, 16:1 (January-March
2007) (pdf version). A slightly different
version has also been published in Henry Shue and David Rodin, eds., Preemption:
Military Action and Moral Justification (Oxford: Oxford University Press,
2007)—this article, in fact, was originally written for the Shue-Rodin book. “The
United States and Eastern Europe in 1945:
A Reassessment,” Journal of Cold
War Studies, 10:4 (Fall 2008) (pdf version). Selected documents
referred to in this article (html, with links to
documents) H-Diplo
exchange with Eduard Mark: H-Diplo roundtable on
the “United States and Eastern Europe” article (link) (pdf version) (posted May 5, 2009).
(Comments by Fraser J. Harbutt, James McAllister, Eduard Mark and Norman M.
Naimark, plus my reply) “The
French Factor in U.S. Foreign Policy during the Nixon-Pompidou period,
1969-1974,” Journal of Cold War
Studies, 13:1 (Winter 2011) (pdf). This paper was originally presented at a
conference in Paris, sponsored by the Association Georges Pompidou, held on
June 26-27, 2009. Also published in
Éric Bussière, François Dubasque and Robert Frank, eds., Georges Pompidou et les États-Unis: Une
“relation spéciale”? (Brussels: Peter Lang, 2013) Long version, with
links to copies of most of the documents cited (pdf) Short version (intended
for publication in the conference volume) (Word version) Talk given at the
conference (in French) (Word version) List of most of the documents cited, with links
to copies (html) “The Structure
of Great Power Politics, 1963-1975” (short version), in Melvyn Leffler and
O.A. Westad, eds., Cambridge History of the Cold War, vol. 2
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010) (fully footnoted version: Word version). The fuller version also appears in the Cold War and After book. “France and
NATO, 1949-1991,” Journal of
Transatlantic Studies, 9:3 (September 2011) (pdf) (direct link). “Audience Costs: An Historical Analysis, Security Studies 21:1 (March 2012) (pdf) (long version). “The de Gaulle
Problem,” Journal of Cold War Studies 13:1
(Winter 2012) (pdf) (word version as submitted). “Robert
Jervis and the Nuclear Question,” in James W. Davis, ed., Psychology,
Strategy and Conflict: Perceptions of Insecurity in International Relations
(Oxford: Routledge, 2013) (word version) (Google Books link). “History
Teaches,” Yale Journal of International
Affairs (September 2012) (pdf). “The State of
International History,” e-International
Relations (March 2013) (link) (revised version of
Oslo talk listed below); also published in H-Diplo, July 3, 2014 (link). “Transparency
in Practice: Using Written Sources,” Qualitative and Multi-Method
Research: Newsletter of the American Political Science Association's QMMR
Section 13, no.1 (Spring 2015)
(link) (link to whole issue) “Assessing
Soviet Economic Performance During the Cold War: A Failure of Intelligence?” Texas National Security Review 1, no.
2 (February 2018) (link) “Clémentel et la diplomatie économique pendant la Première Guerre mondiale,” in Marie-Christine
Kessler and Guy Rousseau, eds., Étienne Clémentel: Politique et action publique sous la
Troisième République
(Brussels: Peter Lang, 2018) (link). (This is an abridged version of the 1977
article listed above). “Stumbling Around in
the Archives,” in Peter Krause and Ora Szekely, eds., Stories from the
Field: A Guide to Navigating Fieldwork
in Political Science (New York:
Columbia University Press, 2020) (link). “The United States
and the NATO Non-extension Assurances of 1990: New Light on an Old Problem?” International
Security 45, no. 3 (Winter 2020/21) (pdf) (pdf of long version). A German translation was published in Das
Blättchen, special issue (April 2023) (link). “A Self-Inflicted Wound? Henry Kissinger and the Ending of the
October 1973 Arab-Israeli War” (with Galen Jackson), Diplomacy and
Statecraft 32:3 (2021) (published version) (long version, with links to most of the
sources cited). “America, Germany, and the Versailles Peace: A
Reassessment,” in Christian Bremen, ed., Amerika,
Deutschland und Europa von 1917 bis heute, vol. 1 (Aachen: Edition aixact, 2022) (Festschrift
for Klaus Schwabe) (2022) (pdf). “The United States and Strategic Arms Control during
the Nixon-Kissinger Period: Building a
Stable International System?” Journal of Cold War Studies (Fall 2022) (pdf to text as published) (link
to longer version, with links to most of the sources). “The United States and
the German Nuclear Question under Eisenhower and Kennedy” (August 2023), to
be published in a volume edited by Andreas Lutsch (link). Published Reviews: Lawrence
Freedman, Kennedy's Wars: Berlin, Cuba, Laos, and Vietnam, in the Journal
of Cold War Studies (Spring 2002) (Word version) (pdf version) Scott Sagan
and Kenneth Waltz, The Spread of Nuclear Weapons: A Debate Renewed, in
The National Interest (Fall
2002) (Word version, as originally
submitted except for some minor corrections, and with footnotes). This article led to a short exchange of
letters with Waltz: Waltz to
Trachtenberg, October 11, 2002 (pdf); Trachtenberg to Waltz, October 28, 2002 (Word); Waltz to Trachtenberg, December 4, 2002 (pdf); Trachtenberg to Waltz, December 19, 2002 (Word)
“The Clémentel
Plan in Historical Perspective,” Western Society for French History Annual
Meeting, 1979 “France in the
Ruhr, 1923,” American Historical Association Annual Meeting, 1979 “The Strange
Death of Keynesian Economics,” University of Pennsylvania Economic History
Workshop, 1983 “What is the
Nuclear Question?” European-American Conference on Ethical Aspects of
Deterrence, Ebenhausen, 1986 “Deterrence in
Everyday Life: Some Notes on Directions for Research,” 1986 (pdf) Proceedings
of the Hawk's Cay Conference on the Cuban Missile Crisis, March 5-8, 1987. Edited by David Welch.
Available from the Center for Science and International Affairs, John F.
Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. This contains some material
I wrote on the missile crisis based on the U.N. archives. (text) “A Constructed
Peace? The United States, the NATO Allies, and the Making of the European
Settlement, 1949-1963,” first drafted for a seminar at the University of
Chicago Political Science Department, March 1993; also presented at the
German Historical Institute, Washington DC, May 7, 1995, and distributed as
Working Paper 9 of the Volkswagen-Foundation Program in Post-War German
History, American Institute for Contemporary German Studies/German Historical
Institute (Washington), 1995. (Word version) (html version) “America,
Germany and the Origins of the Cold War,” (Word version). This was an
outgrowth of a symposium held at the University of Virginia's Miller Center
for Public Affairs in May 1999 chaired by Allen Lynch; my talk there was
followed by comments by Carolyn Eisenberg, Melvyn P. Leffler, Stephen A.
Schuker and Philip Zelikow, and I then got a chance to respond. A transcript
was made (symposium transcript in
and at one point there was a plan to publish the symposium as a series of
pieces in a scholarly journal. My piece here was written for that purpose. Comment on
Adam Ulam, “A Few Unresolved Mysteries about Stalin and the Cold War in
Europe: A Modest Agenda for Research,” Journal of Cold War Studies 1:1
(Winter 1999), pp. 110-116; comment posted on H-Diplo, October 10,
1999 “The Accidental War Question,” paper presented at workshop on Organizational Theory and International History, March 2-4, 2000, Center for International Security and Cooperation, Stanford University. (PDF version). This was a response to Scott Sagan's paper "Accidental War in Theory and Practice," presented at the same workshop (Word version). Comment on
Truman's alleged meeting with NATO foreign ministers on April 3, 1949, posted
on H-Diplo, August 25,
2000 “American
Grand Strategy During the Cold War and After,” International Studies
Association, Chicago, February 2001 (Session on “American Grand Strategy in
Europe from 1945 to the Present: Hegemon or Off-Shore Balancer?”) (Word version). “Thinking
about Terrorism: An Historian's View,” November 2001 (Word version) “The Future of
the Western Alliance: An Historian's View,” August 2004 (for a conference on
the “History and Future of Transatlantic Relations” held at Columbia
University, September 2-3, 2004) (word version) (pdf version) Review of
Vojtech Mastny, “The 1963 Nuclear Test Ban Treaty: A Missed Opportunity for
Détente,” Journal of Cold War Studies (Winter 2008). Review was
published by H-Diplo on April 10, 2008 (link to review) “Social
Scientists and National Security Policymaking,” February 2010 (for a
conference held at Notre Dame in April 2010) (pdf) Review
of John M. Schuessler, “The
Deception Dividend: FDR’s Undeclared War,” International Security 34:4 (Spring 2010), in H-Diplo/ISSF Series on
International Security Studies (link). A number
of messages dealing with the issues raised in the Schuessler article were
posted in H-Diplo in April 2010 (list with links).
See especially Warren Kimball post, April 13, 2010 (link); my April 20 reply (link); Alonzo Hamby April 26 post (link); my April 28 reply (link) Introduction
to H-Diplo roundtable on Frédéric Bozo, Mitterrand, the End
of the Cold War, and German Unification (New York: Berghahn
Books, 2009), April 26, 2010 (link). “The
State of International History: Where We’ve Been, Where We Are, and Where
We’re Going,” talk given August 23, 2010, at a conference on “International
Organizations and Institutions: Past and Future Prospects,” held at the
Norwegian Nobel Institute in Oslo (pdf) “An
Interview with Carl Kaysen” (published as an occasional paper by the MIT
Security Studies Program in November 2010) (pdf) (link). Transcript of full
Kaysen interview (with some deletions) (link) “French Foreign Policy in the July
Crisis, 1914: A Review Article,” a discussion of Stefan Schmidt, Frankreichs Aussenpolitik in der Julikrise 1914: Ein
Beitrag zur Geschichte des Ausbruchs des Ersten Weltkrieges (Munich: Oldenbourg,
2009). H-Diplo/ISSF esssay series, no.
3, published in H-Diplo on December 1, 2010 (pdf) (link) Introduction
to H-Diplo Roundtable on Justin Vaïsse, Neoconservatism:
The Biography of a Movement, (Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press,
2010), January 7, 2011 (link). Introduction
to H-Diplo/ISSF Roundtable on Joseph Maiolo, Cry Havoc: How the Arms Race Drove the World to War, 1931-1941 (New
York: Basic Books, 2010), July 11, 2011 (link). Comment
in H-Diplo Roundtable on Jonathan Haslam, Russia’s
Cold War: From the October Revolution to the Fall of the Wall (New
Haven: Yale University Press, 2011), Dec. 7. 2011 (link to full roundtable) (word version of comment). “History
and Policy,” discussion paper written for a small conference on History,
Strategy, and Statecraft, sponsored by the Strauss Center of the LBJ School
at the University of Texas, and held in Austin, January 7-8, 2012 (word version). Comment
on Jervis contribution to H-Diplo roundtable on Gaddis biography of George
Kennan, April 2012 (link) “Dan
Reiter and America’s Road to War in 1941,” H-Diplo/ISSF roundtable, vol. 5,
no. 4 (May 2013) (word version) (whole roundtable) “Audience
Costs in 1954?” H-Diplo/ISSF, September 2013 (H-Diplo/ISSF version,
with comments)
(word version with links) Comment
on H-Diplo/ISSF roundtable on “What We Talk About When We Talk About Nuclear
Weapons” (link—my comment is about
halfway down the page) (link to original
roundtable)(pdf version) “Kennedy, Vietnam and
Audience Costs” (November 2013) (link to Word version) (link to pdf of ISSF forum
of which this was a part). Video of a talk on this subject given at the
University of Texas, March 19, 2013.
Documents released in response to April 2012 FOIA request (see n. 97
in the paper) (link to documents and to
the original FOIA request). “What’s the Problem? A Research Agenda for Diplomatic
History,” H-Diplo State of the Field Essay, H-Diplo Essay 115, October 10,
2014 (link) (alt link) “A Double Standard?”
(about Russian intrusion in the 2016 U.S. presidential elections). Originally published on January 10, 2017,
as a guest post on Stephen Walt’s blog in ForeignPolicy.com
(link); slightly changed and footnoted version
published in H-Diplo/ISSF policy series on “America and the World—2017 and
Beyond,” on July 21, 2017 (link). Interview with Swiss
Radio on this article (link) “New
Light on 1914?” (October 2016) (link). Published in
H-Diplo/ISSF forum no. 16, September 2017 (link).
Related paper: “Some Notes on British Policy in
1939” (link) Introduction
to H-Diplo Forum on Heather Jones and Richard Smith, eds., “Sir
Edward Grey and the Outbreak of the First World War,” special issue of International History
38:2 (2016) (link to forum) Contribution
to roundtable on Fred Kaplan’s The Bomb:
Presidents, Generals, and the Secret History of Nuclear War, H-Diplo,
July 27, 2020 (link to whole
to roundtable on Norman Naimark’s Stalin and the Fate oof Europe: The Postwar Struggle for Sovereignty,
H-Diplo, September 21, 2020 (link to whole roundtable). Contribution
to H-Diplo/ISSF Forum on the Importance of White House Presidential Tapes in Scholarship,
ed. Robert Jervis and Diane Labrosse, November 2, 2020 (link to whole forum). “My Story,” in
H-Diplo Essay Series on Learning the
Scholar’s Craft: Reflections of Historians and International Relations
Scholars, February 16, 2021 (Essay no.
313) (link)
(pdf). Introduction to
H-Diplo/International Security Studies Forum on “The Importance of Paul
Schroeder’s Scholarship to the Fields of International Relations and
Diplomatic History,” Forum 28 (September 10, 2021) (link) Contribution to
H-Diplo Roundtable on Brendan Rittenhouse Green, The Revolution that
Failed: Nuclear Competition, Arms Control, and the Cold War, November 12,
2021 (link to roundtable) Co-Organizer (with
Diane Labrosse and Richard Immerman) of H-Diplo/ISSF Tribute to the Life,
Scholarship and Legacy of Robert Jervis, Part I, February 4, 2022 (link), and Part II, August 26, 2022 (link) My own remembrance is included in Part I of the collection. “Operation Farewell and the Siberian Pipeline Explosion: A Research Note,” H-Diplo Forum, November
20, 2024 (link to whole forum) (longer version of article with links) “Is There Life after NATO?” October 1, 2024 (Cato paper) (full version with links) (H-Diplo
roundtable, January 16, 2025—short version of my paper, with four comments
and my response: link) Miscellaneous: I’m one of the people interviewed in Always/Never: The Quest
for Safety, Control and Survivability, a video produced in 2010 by Dan Curry from
the Sandia National Laboratory. The
video can be viewed on the National Security Archive website (link) and on YouTube (part 1) (part 2) (part 3) Information on
the Historical Society (now defunct), a group
I was involved in organizing; and other material about the Historical
Society and related issues. American Historical
Association Nuclear Freeze Resolution (December 1982) (from AHA Perspectives, February 1983, p. 3); my letter protesting
the adoption of that resolution (from AHA Perspectives,
April 1983, pp. 25-26) Report I
drafted opposing shift at UCLA from quarter to semester system (part of
successful effort) (February 2003) (link) Statement I
drafted opposing proposed “diversity” requirement at UCLA (part of failed
effort) (March 2015) (link) Current
adddress: UCLA Department of Political Science, 4289 Bunche Hall, Los
Angeles, CA 90095-1472 Email:
trachten@polisci.ucla.edu Website: http://www.sscnet.ucla.edu/polisci/faculty/trachtenberg |