You'll find below links to a number of syllabi (for political science courses mostly) which I downloaded off the internet. Some links to various other collections of (mainly political science) syllabi are also given here. To find syllabi for diplomatic history courses, check the course materials subpage from Sarantakes website and the SHAFR syllabus bank. Various other collections of syllabi are available online. See, for example, the Miller Center’s collection of syllabi, which includes a number on U.S. foreign policy and on military issues, or the collection of syllabi relating to German history generated by the H-German syllabus contest. Some of these syllabi—for example, Margaret Anderson’s syllabus for a course on the “History and Historiography of the German Problem”—are really superb. You might want to use Google to search for syllabi yourself. Click into the advanced search window, limit your search to the .edu domain and to files in pdf or doc format, and include as search terms a short version of the title of a particular book or article that you would expect to find in the sort of syllabus you’re interested in, and also include the word “syllabus” in your search. You might try to guess what the sort of course you’re interested in would be called and then add to your search keywords or phrases (like “Political Science” or “History”) likely to be found in a such a course title. You could also check out the webpages for major university history and political science departments, as well as the websites for schools of government and public policy. Often a department website will include links to that department’s course offerings and the course webpages will have links to syllabi. Or you could click into a list of instructors teaching in a particular department; those lists are often broken down by field and instructors’ webpages will often have links to webpages for the courses they’re teaching. Sometimes syllabi will be linked directly to an instructor’s webpage. But many institutions do not allow outsiders easy access to course syllabi. The section of the MIT Open Courseware website for political science is very much worth checking out if you’re looking for syllabi in this area. Syllabi and lists of readings are linked to the courses listed there, and the readings are often linked to actual texts. You should also know about the American Political Science Association’s collection of online political science syllabi. Some of the syllabi listed below are already a little out of date. To get more recent versions, just do a Google search for the title plus the instructor’s name, if necessary limiting it to a particular site or domain (e.g., “harvard.edu”). Theories of Security in World Politics (Deborah Avant, GWU, 2002) (2014 version) International
Politics and Public Policy (Matthew Baum, Harvard— Foundations
of International Relations Theory (Andrew Bennett, National Security Policy (Richard Betts, Columbia, 2016) Theories of International Security (Alexander Downes, George Washington, 2017) International
Relations History and Theory (Hein Goemans, International
Politics (Robert Jervis, International
Relations Theory (Stephan Haggard, UC Global Politics in the Post-Cold War World (Huntington, Harvard, 2003) Seminar in International Politics (Robert Jervis, Columbia, 1998) Theories of International Relations (Robert Jervis, Columbia, 1997) Theories of War and Peace (Jack Levy, Rutgers, 2003). A very extensive 97-page syllabus. Links to other syllabi at various levels, some quite extensive, are given on the courses and syllabi page of Levy's website. Introduction to International Relations (Charles Lipson, Chicago, 1999) International Relations: Perspectives on Conflict and Cooperation (Charles Lipson, Chicago) Realism (John Mearsheimer, Chicago, 2006) Field Seminar on International Relations (Moravcsik and Stam, Harvard and Dartmouth, 2004). For links to other Moravcsik syllabi (including very useful ones on European integration and IPE in general), see the teaching page on his website International Conflict (Dan Reiter, Emory. 1999) Conceptual
Foundations of International Politics (C. Roberts, International Relations Theory (Scott Sagan, Stanford, 2003) Theories of International Relations (Kenneth Schultz, UCLA, 2004) Conflict
and Peace (Randall Schweller, Foundations of Strategy and Statecraft (Josh Shifrinson, Texas A&M, 2015) Contemporary
Issues of World Order (Jack Snyder, Theories of International Relations (Arthur Stein, UCLA, 2007) A very useful 18-page syllabus, with all sorts of important information for beginning graduate students in IR. Causes and Prevention of War: Theory and Method (Stephen Van Evera, MIT, 2001). An extraordinary 35-page handout, more an introduction to the field than a syllabus in the usual sense. Bargaining,
Diplomacy and International Conflict (Robert Walker, International
Relations: Theory and Practice (Stephen Walt, Harvard— Note also the reading
list for the graduate exam in international relations (with sections on
security and IPE),
II. Security Studies Eliot Cohen syllabi: Soldiers,
Statesmen, and the Use of Force (2000) Note also Cohen’s “Strategic Studies Core Readings” list. See also: War, Peace and Strategy (Richard Betts, Columbia, 2016) Nuclear Weapons (Kyle Beardsley, Emory, 2008) International Security (Alexander Downes, Duke, 2009) Strategy
and Arms Control Reconsidered: Missile Defense, Nuclear Proliferation and
U.S. National Security Policy during the 1960s (Frank Gavin, Strategic
Studies Seminar (Avery Goldstein, War,
Peace and Strategy (Richard Betts, Summer Workshop on Analysis of Military Operations and Strategy (SWAMOS) syllabus (2004). III. International Political Economy; International Law, European Integration, Human Rights International
Political Economy (Lukauskas, The Modern World Economy, 1870-2000 (Frieden, Harvard, 2000) International
Political Economy (Ferraro, International Law and International Relations (Slaughter, Harvard, 1999) (pdf) International
Law and Organisations for Diplomatic and International Studies (Henn, The Political Economy of European Integration (Ellison, UCLA, 2001) Economics
and Security (Rosecrance, Harvard— The Politics of the European Union (A. Sbraglia, Pitt, 2007) International
Political Economy (Stearns and International Political Economy (Moravcsik and Broz, 1999). Broz’s c.v. also has links to a number of his syllabi in this area. Seminar in International Political Economy (Penubarti, UCLA, 1999)
IV. Methods In this area as well, a collection of syllabi is available on the internet: CQRM (Consortium for Qualitative Research Methods) syllabus bank. Links to about 40 syllabi as of August 2004. Note also: Research
Methods: Qualitative Inference
(Robert Keohane, Methods of Political Analysis (Moracsik and Hall, Harvard, 2002) Economic Models of Political Conflict and Conflict Resolution (Hirschleifer, UCLA, 2001) Seminar on the Comparative Case Study Method (John Mearsheimer, Chicago, 2004) Research Design in Political Science (Hix and Mitchell, LSE, 2009) Qualitative Methods (Desch, Notre Dame, 2011) Qualitative
Methods (Staniland, Chicago, 2013) Qualitative
Methods (Lieberman, Princeton, 2012) Introduction
to Research Design & Methods (Renshon, Wisconsin, 2012) Research
Methods and Qualitative Analysis in Social Science (Brownlee, Texas,
2012) V. Specific Countries, Regions, and Topics A. U.S.
Foreign Policy (R. Betts, Contemporary
U.S. Foreign Policy (R. Lieber, American Foreign Policy: Past, Present and Future (S. Van Evera, MIT, 2005) (31-page syllabus; includes extensive bibliography) American Foreign Policy: Theory and Method (S. Van Evera, MIT, 2004) (35 pages long) B. Russia The Politics of Russia (D. Treisman, UCLA, 2000) Russia
after Communism (Fish, C. China International Relations of China (R. Baum, UCLA, 2000) Chinese
Security and Foreign Policy (S. Han, D. Syllabi for Israel Studies Courses (American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise), including (among others): The
Arab (Jewish)- Israel Conflict (David Tal, The
United States and the Middle East (A. Ben-Zvi, The
Arab-Israeli Conflict and the Peace Process (A. Ben-Zvi, International Politics in the Middle East (Carol Saivetz, Harvard, 2003) Theories
of International Relations and Realities in the Middle East (A. Kacowicz,
Middle East Peace (A. Kacowicz, Arab-Israeli
Relations (I. Lustick, International Politics of the Middle East (Zeev Maoz, UC Davis, 2006) The Arab-Israeli Conflict (Zeev Maoz, UC Davis, 2006) Insurgency and Counterinsurgency in the Greater Middle East (Hashim, Harvard, 2006) E. Terrorism Terrorism,
Security, and Intelligence (Richard Clarke and Rand Beers, International Terrorism (Chaim Kaufmann, Lehigh, 2005)
F. Globalization Globalization (S. Berger, MIT, 2002) G. Other Development of the Modern State (Hall and Ertman, Harvard, 1999) Finally, I can’t resist citing my own course material webpage. This has links to syllabi for various courses I taught, including one based on videos of lectures I downloaded off the internet. (Two of those videos--of lectures given by John Mearsheimer and Kenneth Waltz--are linked to that page.) It also has mp3’s of lectures I gave in a couple of those courses. |