Conference Program
Friday September 9, 2011
8:00-9:00 coffee and light breakfast
9:00-9:30 Welcome by the organizers
9:30-10:15 Theme: Boundary Objects
John King: Triangulation from the Margins
10:15-10:45 Coffee Break
10:45-12:15 Theme: Boundary Objects
Dick Boland: The Concept of Boundary Objects and the Reshaping of Research in Management and Organization Studies
Cory Knobel: Boundary Objects and Ontic Occlusion
Brian Cantwell Smith: So boundary as to not be an object at all
12:15-13:45 Lunch
13:45-14:00 Virtual Speaker: Donna Haraway
14:00-15:30 Theme: Boundary objects
Jim Griesemer: Boundary Crossings, a Heuristic Strategy for STS Research
Rogers Hall & Ka:ren Wieckert: Serving and Abstracting in the Boundary Spanning Work of Statistical Consultants
Sampsa Hyyssalo: Regions of Adjustment: Marginalization and the Quest for Robust Dominance
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00-16:45 Theme: Marginalities and Suffering
Gail Hornstein: Anatomy is Frozen Physiology, or How I Learned to See the Process that is Everywhere
16:45-18:15 Theme: Marginalities and Suffering
Niranjan Karnik: Homeless Youth Suffering: Boundaries and Ecologies of the Invisible
Cheris Kramarae & Jutta Weber: At War with Computers
Katherine Henderson: From Gophers and Folk Art to the Pleasures and Dangers of Standards and Onions: A Journey about Boundaries
Saturday September 10, 2011
8:30-9:30 coffee and light breakfast
9:30-10:30 Theme: Marginalities and Suffering
Maria Puig de la Bellacasa: Ecology, Spirituality and the Infrastructure of Bios: Thinking the Sciences of Soil with Susan Leigh Star
Nina Wakeford: Revisiting Leigh Star's paper "Misplaced Concretism and Concrete Situations: Feminism, Method and Information Technology"
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-11:45 Theme: Infrastructure
Ellen Balka: Mapping the Body Across Diverse Information Systems: Shadow Bodies and How They Make Us Human
11:45-12:00 Virtual Speaker: Howard Becker
12:00-13:30 Lunch
13:30-15:00 Theme: Infrastructure
Lucy Suchman: Remote Control: Asymmetric Entanglements of Bodies and Machines
Eevi Beck: Thundering Silence: Residuality and Theory
Kjeld Schmidt: Reflections on the Visibility and Invisibility of Work
15:00-15:30 Coffee Break
15:30-17:00 Theme: Infrastructure
Jane Summerton: Voices from the Margins: Toward an Understanding of Exclusions, Disadvantage and Other Issues of Social Equity in Transport Infrastructures
Janet Ceja Alcala: Residual Categories and Becoming a Minority
Martha Lampland: Formalizing Practices
17:00 Sendoff